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How to decode Olympus serial numbers? - Digital Photography Review[^1^]


Does anyone know how to decode Olympus serial numbers? For bodies and lenses. I am looking at some used E-M1II bodies and some used lenses and I am wondering if the serial numbers would give me a clue to when they were made and any other interesting info?

Olympus Sonority Serial Number Mac

I am talking about the serial number. All my Olympus camera bodies have a serial number on the base plate. I can buy cameras and lenses at reputable retailers online in Japan and the info includes the serial number. I am just trying to decode the serial numbers. I am not going into menus. I don't even have the cameras in hand. Just online and the serial number provided by the retailer. For example, this is the serial number of one E-M1II body:

I'm not aware of any variations in the quality or specifications of an Olympus product that can be told from the serial number, with only two possible exceptions: there have been recalls in the past for certain ranges of E-M5 bodies (because of cracks in the screen bezel) and for FL-300R flashes (electrical problems).

That to me confirms the batch nature of production where the 5 digital serial number limits the batch numbering to 100,000 size or less, and then they sit on that batch until sold then may consider a further batch. Some clue might be in the 4 character prefix about the batch number if enough people gave examples, or if Olympus/OMDS supplied decode details when contacted.

E-5 for the German (or maybe European?) market all started with "AB150". Checked ebay, some sellers from Japan there, but they don't show the serial numbers. An E-5 seller from Australia, his serial number starts with "AB350". One from Russia, where it looks like "AAY50".

This could make an important difference if something needs to be fixed while still under warranty; with the 'wrong' serial number they might tell you 'This is a grey import, go get it fixed where you bought it, we won't touch it'. Seems to be Nikon's approach here in Germany. Canon, here the UK site, also seem to use the serial number to distinguish between 'official' and 'grey': _us/serial-number-checker/


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